The Texas Chainsaw Massacre

This slick and gory revisit to the landmark, low-budget 1974 splatter film propels us through the self-inflicted bullet hole in a young girl’s head, out the rear window of a van in which she is riding and into a rural Texas community populated by deranged, sweaty folks and a disfigured power-tool enthusiast know as Leatherface. Five friends on a road trip back from Mexico descend into a Lone Star killing field when they attempt to dispose of the aforementioned corpse and seek help from the local sheriff (
Full Metal Jacket’s R. Lee Ermey), who reeks of contempt for these tight-jeans and bare-midriff intruders. Commercial and music-video veteran Marcus Nispel concentrates more on graphic spectacle than on suspense for graphic spectacle and slips in a wet-T-shirt Kodak moment as original Massacre narrator John Larroquette and cinematographer Daniel Pearl reunite in the gruesome slaughter.