Issue: September 19, 2013

Thanks for reading this week's SN&R. Feel free to click the links

below, but don't forget to pick up a newsprint version of the

newspaper for exclusive event picks, columns and cartoons.

The feature this week: Sacramento is aiming to be the farm-to-fork

capital of the nation, but only 3 percent of food grown in the region

is consumed here. What does this mean for the future of local produce

and for those that can't afford to "eat local"? Alastair Bland reports.

Elsewhere in the issue: Raheem F. Hosseini on law enforcement using

gangster-rap YouTube videos to assist in gang-crime investigations;

Nick Miller on popular big-box retailers moving onto the grid; Cosmo

Garvin on the potential consequences of Darrell Steinberg's arena

bill; Kel Munger on Sacramento Teatro Espejo founder Manuel J.

Pickett; Dave Kempa on modern-day hitchhiking; Farm-to-Fork week

events; Garrett McCord gives four stars to The Hotdogger in Davis; and more.