The high cost of security
Since 9/11 the U.S. has spent $7.6 trillion

With the 10th anniversary of 9/11 still fresh in our memories, and the 10th anniversary of the beginning of the U.S. war in Afghanistan coming up on Oct. 7, it’s worth asking how much Americans have spent on national security—defense baseline, nuclear weapons, Homeland Security and war—during the past decade. The National Priorities Project, a nonpartisan budget-analysis group, has crunched the numbers. Here are some specifics:
Total cost of “security” since 9/11: $7.6 trillion
Percentage U.S. security-related discretionary spending increased from 2000 to 2011: 96 percent
Percentage nonsecurity discretionary spending (education, housing, transportation, environment, etc.) increased: 39 percent
2011 interest on national debt related to security spending: $80 billion
Amount U.S. spends in Iraq and Afghanistan in three minutes: $966,877
California’s share of Afghanistan war funding: $53.6 billion
California’s share of total war funding: $159.7 billion