Letters for April 26, 2001

Otterson prayer
After reading the misleading mailer put out by the proponents of Measure A, I decided to do a less-than-scientific experiment on the predictions this mailer contained. First, pretend that your left hand is the intersection of Hegan Lane and the Midway and your right hand is the intersection of Fair and Park avenues. Now bring those two hands together and turn each palm facing the other. Now pray that we get some community leaders with more common sense. As we drive around Chico, we’ve all seen many intersections and streets that are in need of major traffic flow improvements that affect more residents than the proposed Otterson extension.

When I returned to reading the mailer on Measure A and the information it contained, it reminded me of a saying my great grandfather used on politicians and their promises: “Loud cackle, little egg.” I urge all voters to vote NO on Measure A in the special election.

Paul McCormick

Cat snips
Every year in the U.S. approximately 10 million healthy cats and dogs—one every three to four seconds—are put to death because permanent, loving homes cannot be found. Butte County is not exempt.

Did you know that a cat continues to have heat cycles until she is bred? Consider the math: In seven years, one cat and her offspring can produce 420,000 cats. For dogs, it is more than 67,000 descendants.

Are you part of this problem?

Locally there is good news for cats. Several veterinarians are participating in a very important program, the Low-Income Owner/Caregiver Cat Altering Program (LCAP). These local generous veterinarians will spay/neuter cats of pet owners struggling to make ends meet, at no cost.

Another program, for cats afraid of humans (feral cats), is also available. This program (FCAP) includes a free rabies shot. Vets can loan a cat trap and after the spay/neuter the feral cat is released back to his territory.

These free programs end June 30, 2001. Please call your local vet for more information and to find out if they are participating. Please spread the word, and let’s all be part of the solution.

Sue Evans

Fallen star
Considering I never met the man personally, I’m confused by my overwhelming sadness for the loss of Jonathan Studebaker. As an eight-year Chico resident, I’ve seen Jonathan around town probably a thousand times. I followed his political career and even watched him on the sidelines at the only Chico State football game I ever went to. Like many Chico residents, Jonathan wouldn’t have known me from a hole in the wall, but I sure knew him.

So my feelings on Jonathan’s passing aren’t rooted in a sense of personal loss—I don’t think I ever actually spoke to him—or because 36 years is a relatively short life for a person with so many interests. I feel bad for Chico.

I wish I had gotten to know Jonathan personally. Having read so many accounts of him in the last few weeks has shown me how many lives he touched on a personal level, and I feel slighted and frustrated that I didn’t try to make our acquaintance a two-way street.

For his sake, I’m happy that Jonathan is no longer in pain. But for my sake, I wish I wouldn’t have waited for the post-game report to learn about our team’s star player.

Tao Stadler

Cross to bear
I found your article “Revealing Rich” [Newslines, April 19], on the rally at Chico State, to be a fine illustration of the far-left suspicion and downright hostility toward religious faith. When I attended university, I was told it was a place to hear all types of views. It is clear by the reaction of some students to “Rich"—and by the tone of the article written by Laura Smith—that only views that are politically correct are acceptable on the campus.

Why does any group presenting its views on religion, culture or any other debate subject need to worry if other students agree with it? Have there not been many rallies on campus or movements expounding views or philosophies that many find objectionable, offending or plain wrong? It seems there are groups on campus pushing their agendas that are based on ethnic, sexual or cultural ideas of their members. Why is a Christian group any different? Why is a Christian group opposed in such a nasty manner, with a vulgar Web site, by other students? Why are some so scared that Christian ideas may enter the ears of young adults on campus? Why can other views about multiculturalism, sexual orientation or politics be considered fair debate or rally material but not Christianity?

Those of us who identify with Christianity are forced to tolerate many “aggressive” ideas that frankly we find disgusting, vulgar or totally without morality or merit. Perhaps it is time for some to tolerate the Christian view. Last I checked we have a constitutional right to worship or not worship as we please.

Gary L. Powers

Booze rap
It being Alcohol Awareness,

And National Poetry Month,
As everybody knows,
I regret having to say
I’ve been too drunk this week
To write you a line of prose.

Stephen Tea Davis

Critic critique
Chico should consider itself fortunate to be the host for the annual Nowhere X Nowhere festival. For all three years I have had the pleasure of seeing and interacting with great bands that are accustomed to playing much larger accommodations with greater financial reward.

As usual, I chose Stormy’s as my venue of choice, and after a great Saturday evening I toddled home with a positive vibration and a few complimentary CDs. I was very much surprised to pick up the [April 12] News & Review and find that I had seen nothing more than a parade of “garage bands.”

The reviews of Saturday’s [April 7] music and specifically the band Picnic concern me. The turnout was not large, and one could easily identify those there to enjoy the scene and those there to scrutinize it. And, I do not recall a scrutinizer spending more than five minutes before leaving. If you are going to be critical of someone, at least give them more than one song on which you pass judgment. The reviewer summarized Picnic’s performance as little more than trying and complained that they were too loud. There used to be an adage that if it was too loud then you must be too old. Perhaps in this age of boy bands and pop princesses we have come a full 180 degrees, and if it is too loud then you are too young.

Chico is a town with great musical diversity, and the Nowhere X Nowhere festival fits with attitude. If reviewers do not like a particular style of music or venue, perhaps they should not review it or at least try to be cautious with public criticism.

James Rendulich