The many names of Chico

Welcome to Freako How much do you think Arts DEVO loves this Keep Chico Weird issue? Keeping Chico weird is the guiding principle behind this column. The most fun part of my job is getting to shine a light on the freaks and fun-makers so that we can all stay plugged into our funky scene.
In the intro to this weird package, I talked about some of the iconic names that have defined “Chico” over the years. That sent me down the Internet hole to seek help from some local long-timers in remembering as many of the colorful nicknamed/ stage-named/ iconically named artists, musicians, street people, impresarios, party people and scenesters that have populated our image of Chico over the last couple of decades.

Thanks to Shecklove, Heatha Killa, Bookstore Josh, Bullet Train, DJ Goodburger, Lorax (aka Ace, aka Charles Markley), DNA, Mr. I, Cat Poop and La Juera for helping assemble this impressive roster:
42 Sex Guy, Aubrey Debauchery, Aye Jay, Baby Steps, The Banjo-ologist, Beans, Beast, Bicycle Dan, Big Head, Big Mo, Billy, Bitter Betty, Black Dan, Bran Crown, British Paul, Chip Tankgirl, Claudette Versailles, Cody Que, Coot Dog, Dancin’ Dave, Danimal, Devil Kat, Die Guy, Digger, Dik Slax, Dirty Jim, DNA, Dragonboy, Ebony, Ed the Dread, Emerica, Eppie, Eric the Viking, Faydog, Fera, Flicka Flame, Flo, Goat, Grits, Guitar Clem & Mud, Handlebar Pete, Handsome Gorgeous, Henri Bourride, Himp C, Hoop, Jack Dammit International, Janet Planet, Jaws, Jerry Garcia, Jim Morrison, Johnny and Kerra Shanker, Johnny Von Graves, Juan-Carlos Selznick, Kozmic Kev, Lish Bills, Mad Bob, Marge, Meatwad, Middle, Mike G, Moondog (aka Rev. Junkyard Moondog), Natty Nat, Ol’ Hawk Eye, One Up, Preacher Pat (aka Chappy), Rags, Red Bluff Phil, Red Face Guy, Rental Guy, The Rooster, Rumpelstiltskin, Scoot, The Scribbler, Scribles, Seamonster, Sean and Shelby PAWN, Shady Pete, She Fetus, Shelby Cobra, Sisko, Ska-T, Sketchy Pat, Sleepy Dan, Snake, Sourdough Slim, Spenny, Sporty, Stormy, Ted Shred, Tell The Devil, Tic-Tac, Troll, Turtle, Twelve-Pack, TyBox, War Eagle, Whipple, Woot (aka The Woot), V, Zelda Zonk, Zero.
I guess I’m Arts DEVO, although no one calls me that when I’m around. I’ve had a few fleeting nicknames (Skeeter, Porpoise, J.T., J-Cass, Flannel Cassidy) and some mean-spirited names I was called as a kid (Mole Man, Sean Cassidy), but most everyone calls me by either my given first or last name. I’d love it if someone could come up with something badass. Feel free to email suggestions for my nickname (as well as the names of any of the locals we forgot).

• I’m set free/ to find a new illusion … The original freak, one of the pioneers who helped insert weirdness in rock ’n’ roll as a member of the Velvet Underground and as a solo artist, died this week. Rest in peace, Lou Reed.
• Amazing Racers: Sunday Night’s Amazing Race was the last episode for local boys Adam Switzer and Brandon Squyres. Thanks for taking us along for the ride, guys. It was awesome sharing in your adventure. You did Chico proud.
• Go Digital or Go Dark: We all knew the day would come when digital projection would take over our movie theaters, and according to Pageant Theatre owner Tim Giusta, as of the end of 2013, 35mm film prints will no longer be available. That means, unless the Pageant can raise the $51,000 necessary to convert to digital, they will have to close. If you want to help keep your art-house theater going for a 35th year, you’ll soon have the chance. Starting Nov. 8, the Pageant will launch the Go Digital or Go Dark crowdfunding campaign on Stay tuned.